Feedback to Slush organizers to help them improve the event. What do you think about it?
- Volunteers were helpful, well organized and got the knowhow
- Layout and size of the main floor
- Visual production outlook of the main floor
- Everything happened on time
- Information about the event and the side events easily available
- Good location of the pitching stage and excellent audience
- Startups were well displayed
To improve
- Long queues to restrooms
- Long queues to get food that made it sometimes hard to move around
- Wireless and mobile phone connectivity had issues
- Arranging meetings through could only meet investors, couldn’t state why denying request, pending requests blocked, couldn’t meet anyone when all the meeting tables were booked, only one person from a startup could book meetings
Please leave a comment about your thoughts on the event, thanks!
Read my views about the Slush event #Slush15: We are here to help